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All the information's I could sample is the history of mine and your's, because of Public Relation's...All rights reserved, the commission's and me are not supporting weaponizing's or standing war's only educational for public relation's.... All right's reserved....claim's or demanding's, so choose contact....information's are for undependent educational caution's, which is preventable...i'm not supporting such as this thing's mentaly, because all of that caution's is meant educational...This matematic's is only one example for to be in control, how to handle is not shown, so please my time is too short to explain deeper, quiete water is deep, have no intention's to go deeper, my opinion is it to clear thing's about understanding's lesson's, what keep's an distance in between such as this thing's non practical only paper's for understanding how dangerous a fusion can be is not shown, if you wanna know more about this thematical, so read page on wikipedia or google, read the caution's how dangerous this practical is, good luck.... All right's reserved

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The Future is near to us, much more as we think, and I wanted to share with you this Picture`s. (2024)...


Restless I discovered some inputs, what remembered me in High - school sitting's. Impressive performing's on today's developement's. I was so fascinated how amazing this input's are, and I began to sample it. It was not easy for me to practice that, but afterward's I did understood how easy the computer program or app is working. So I did not needed to think a lot about that fact to count it selfeshly. for what was it important to understand that the computer is working? for my intention's.
The sience behind this picture's are hiden many mathematic's and production's facilities, which is practical for that incoming facilitie's and institution's working now and in the future, for a perfect performance's, to make oure life more easyer, comfortable and easyer to handle. For example: you wanna make some calculation's, what ever. And you have the right counting app for that. And you need only to type your mathematic's in this calculater to let it work, and it is working for shure. All you need is to understand, what's behind that program. I tryed to understand the robotic's and I wanted to know, what is all hiden about that thematical, I know it is an complete system, which is watchable, what's behind that?
The Robotic's today is so developed, much more intelligently and gentle to us, so I wondered why the robot is so gentle and came to the  solution, that this robot has an own personality too, with it's whole talent's which the robot is shown much more on his or her glance. I had after that experience an science education, I coudn't grab that is so interessting and much more. One computer ship has space about million bit's in Billion bit's and billion bit's in trillion bit's, so how much bit's do have an whole Board? I asked myself, you can put much more fabrication's in that chip and board and you have all the time a full sight to watch inside that computer ship, isn't that amazing girl's and guy's?
The first time I made an experience with this mathematic's and atomic - chemical form's was in the highschool, and they say the atomic is smaller than micro, nano and makro, so how did they know about that since 1700 ? people saying about the microscope, which is making micro, makro, nano and atomic visible.
They produced micro chamber's to take the controll about that fact it is reacting in between atomic fusion's, and this fusion's are responsible for oure electrical power for oure daily house agregation's, phone's, for oure daily running light's and the robotic need's for.
At the end it is not atomic, in electrical, because atomic is been understand of caution's, that's right boy's and girl's, atomic is not in oure facilities, agregation's or computer ship's or robotic's.
The caution's is in two element's with an danger atomic flash and this two element's of plutonium and uran is forbidden because of a danger flash instead, it is readable with an atomic measuring scale which is shown by the noise of atomic danger. So keep on dancing.....Hamburg, 19.01.2025
your's Savas Köroglu
Paper's and Document's about my Birth, Parent's, school time, Paper immigration's, Profession's, insurance and old resume instead.
School and work admission paper's included.