My Out living

My Out living.
*Story* chapter one * The end of my Out living* 08.03.2025
July 1992 in the classroom, Mr. Ramm came into the classroom and submitted us oure Paper's. He told us to congratulate us all schooljar's to admiited the end of oure comprehansive school section's and gave us oure performance letter's. The schoolringing began to loud and we all stand up to leave the school.
The Practika Mr. Ramm organized was by BMW gotten me, I went there and introduced with the mechanic - car- reperation - Hall. the Master was in middle of the reparation with a car, he made the electrical's, with the relais he pulled out of the car and asking me for, what that is. I said:" for the regulation's!", he said yes that's right. And you know the Voltage? for what is the Voltage guy? I took a deep breath and began to think about it. the Master began to ship the relaise and said: " common I'm waiting for your answer?".
I was excited and said:" the voltage is for the Power, the electric power. "yes" the master said, : " and for what special it is more?" he did asking me. I said:" the Power high stretch".
No the Master said the power high Stretch is the Ampere the power of the Voltage is the Ampere, and the consuming Power is the Watt. " I see" the Master said, you need more education, " go to the High school and make your Highschool. Next week I went to the High School and asked for an seat there for Educational's.
The Highschool began. All the Schooljars gathered every morning to the school, for having educational's seat's there.
We had Matematic's, English, Physic's, Chemical's, Geography, Music's classic art, Philosophy, France a little while, Sport's, German, History, Ethic's, Religion's and Fairy's.
We made a Trip to London, Picadilly Circuit, Bakerstreet, Elephant Street, Golden Gate Bridge and a Trip to all Musee's all in Art.
Her Name was Kate I introduced with her on the ship. Never Mind we made an experience there to come up there out of the Launch.
Never Minded oure way would be leave at that Time. At the royal Park we slept on that gras.
I woke up and were been back in Hamburg.
had no advantage's no way out of that experience and tryed to kepp in on.
way back home.
I tryed to be concentrated at school, and don't miss out the educational's.
but it was not enough, my note's were too weak at my exam.
Nothing else matter I left the School at that time on the twelft lesson, I'm sure it was the twelfed, because I did twelfe year's.
All in on, I needed to rest, and was not sure what to do next.
The main thing was it, that I was not enough educated, and didn't knew to start a thing.
One friend advised me to do a job, which will be succesfull like he said and wanted introduce me with the Professioned Detective.
So I went there and did the job.
Nothing else matter's, I thought and was sure I can do the job or do another job.
He gave me one suitcase to entering the plane. About two hour's, we landed to North Afrika.
I thought, what I'm doing here and entered the Beach Hotel.
About two week's I will stay here and spend my time to discover the People and culture it was an sunshine wheather there and they are so happy to swim and play.
I've forgotten my room instead, after that vacancy Party.
We discovered the Beach at the sea and the desert's, what keeping me full of respect, to find out there were some more deepest thing's to discover, but I didn't done further, I thought it's a risk too.
At the night, then they began to celebrate with the Music at the Background and were dancing, was it for me a sign to go in my room.
The sun was shining but not refllecting, the pool was full of People, wanted having fun.
I sat on there rim and watched them playing there.
After the Aftershow Party, it was time for me think about my back ticket to Hamburg.
I got one letter, it was Mercedes Benz.
Mercedes Benz wanted to ask me if I'm intressted in a educational job to make my professioned exam that time.
I watched the Time and went to that meeting.
I waited in that waiting room, for that moment. And Mr. Roßbach called me to his Office.
It was new for me, and I checked my dress. I opened the door and Mr. Roßbach there welcomed me. He was not asking how or why, he came directly to the Thematical. And asked me :" what's your plan's for your Future, have you any Plan?". Yes I told him :" I need a job". I asked him. "ok" he said. "What do you think about Innovation's?" he asked me. " I think Innovation is it to be intended and giving the best I can". " yes That's amazing" he said. " And what do you think about inspiration's?" he asked me. I told him: " there is not much diffrence's about that fact, in with inspiration is it, to inspire more to giving the best with fantasy and dream's included. "What do you think about loyality?" he asked me. I said : "Yes loyal is it to be loyal and honest to be, to be in trust and loyal. " Ok " he said: I'm very impressed about that and laughed. " Yes he said : " want to see you tommorow again, and we will do the contract first." "whow I spleeched out, that was all?" "Yes"he said.
So I began by Mercedes Benz as an educational Allrounder.
The comfort and modern Design fascinated me, it was nearby a trip to drive, repair, tune up and selling out Part's and compact new and used Car's. After one Year I did my job and left the institution without demanding's.
My Master advised me to search out the Millitary, about that fact I was shocked first and had a few time to think about. I was not a refugee at this time, but I knewed I will be one, if I'm not doing what he advised me about.
In two week's, I gathered and earned about 380 DM, and made another job to earn 2780 DM the third job I made about 280 DM. I knewed have not much time untill I have to go there to submit and to be sure of that, that my incoming will change, because of that.
Next what I could do was it to spend that money for important needing's and not waste my time. To know, I have to leave that all, took my hope's leaving in me. It was a sacrify's, I knewed that from beginning and wanted to know what that was, why they wanted me to do that.
I took the phone and made an time meeting better to say an Appointment. Went there for a check and had to leave the City to the Military Station.
Ten Month's of my time I spend out there. Got not much and had to performance to strike that time, untill the end of that time. Me and some other's did.
I didn't felt that way and was happy to come out there, back home I missed out.
I thought I needed a Job to do. And I did surely a Job without any demanding's.
I took my Driving licence, and went to a Spedition to drive out with a Truck for deliver.
It took one Year exactly to do that job, I made 45000 DM at that year, I thought that was enough for the future to spend out.
I went back Home to sweet Home. Spike oure Dog was at Home, I went ino the door into the bed and slept a while.
AT one Night someone knocked at the window, spike began to spark out, I thought something is wrong and ordered spike out to search. Spike came back and found nothing,
I tryed to watch out the window in between the curton's, but couldn't see something, I decided to stay at home with Spike.
On another night it happened fast, I got to the toilet and someone attacked me from my back and I was death a short time. Many hour's left I couldn't fallow that time because I was death or fainted. I lost at the dark. Couldn't hear Spike again. I was sure to be death that moment. My Spirit was somewhere another diffrent place I couldn'd knew. I 'm not sure how long I was fainted, but it took a long time.
I asked me all the time what is that. What has grabben me. I woke up in a shellter.
Decided to be silent and to find a way out.
I heared Spike webbing, trying to find out where he is. I searched for my door key's and found them, went to open the door to find out Spike my dog.
I had no Idea what next, the light's were off and it was dark, and I decided to stay beside Spike and sleeping out that time. I stood with Spike so long as I could.
Many Time past by and the sun came apearing the day. I checkked out the kitchen and had enough Spagethie for me and food for Spike.
Spike slept deep and I waited untill the next morn to wake up.
The main thing was it that time to be not foundet by the theth's or out law's or something might be dangerous, I was that Time convinced about that fact, that oure secure was it to hiden at that place untill the danger was over.
but I knewed it could happen again, the out law knewed my position.
My Pillow my Blanket, it was oure sweet home.
Many time passed by, day by day, night by night.
My sweet Home.