All you need to know about me...

Idependent CoOperation
Have a little Break...and enjoy my resume....!!!

2014... at home- this Ship is a complete system of a main controlled liquid tank power system into electrican distribution to controlling the flight in a complete system that is connected with the ship computer inside the main Board...controlling the wings and elevatoror's instead... with a comfortable present inside protected in a whole complete system on Board.

2014... at home - The ship is called Space is so constructed, that has wing - pneumatic's to move the wings on degrees to the up and down the back tail to the left or right, the system is a complete generatic liquid into electric power system depended on a complete controlled system over the main controlled Board Computer at the Cockpit.

Here / Hier
Resume / Lebenslauf
Personal info / Persönliche Daten:
Savas Köroglu
Adress / Adresse:
Birthday - Date - Place / Geb.- Datum - Ort:
04.03.1975 in Bünde (Kreis Herford)
Company / Staatsangehörigkeit:
German /Deutsch
e-Mail - Adresse:
Telefone - number / Telefonnummer:
Profession Resume / Berufliche Tätigkeiten:
01.11.2024 - Helper at Edeka Fa. Struve in Hamburg Rahlstedt - doing my job in Service
09.2022 - 06.2023 Immobilienabwickler- Real- Estate- Property - did my job in Service - office
In Retirement since 27.11.2014 - 16 bei Elbe Werkstätten - office
07.11.- 07.12
Servicehelper, Arinet, Hamburg - did my job in Service - office
11.09 - 09.10
Gewerblicher Helfer, OBM GmbH, Hamburg - did my job in Service
06.08 - 09.08
Fahrer, kleinselbständig für DHL &TNT, Hamburg - did my job as deliverer in Service
12.07 - 01.08
Telefonagent, GOS Immobilien OHG, Hamburg - did my job in Service - office
02.05 - 09.05
Wachdienst bei Hauschildt &Blunck, Hamburg - did my job in Service
01.04 - 07.04
Eisverkäufer bei Fa. Softeis OHG, Hamburg - did my job in Service
11.03 - 12.03
Roomboy, Zeitarbeit Peterhoff GmbH, Hamburg - did my job in Service
04.03 - 06.03
MC Donald's Amsinckstr. Küchenhilfe und Lobby, Hamburg - did my job in Service
12.02 - 03.03
Verkäufer, Kiosk Vierländer Damm, Hamburg - did my job as a shop casher in Service
05.02 - 06.02
Telefonagent, European Office Systems, Hamburg - did my job as a Caller in Service - office
04.01 - 11.01
Telefonagent, Direct Line Marketing &Com. GmbH, Hamburg - did my job as a Caller in Service - office
01.99 - 06.00
Fahrer, Fuhrunternehmen Roland Seekt GmbH, Hamburg - did my job as a deliverer in Service
03.98 - 12.98
Bundeswehr, Itzehoe, Krankenwagen Fahrer - did my Job as a military driver in ambulance Service
09.97 - 12.97
Gerüstbau - Helfer - did my job in Service
08.96 - 08.97
Lagerfachkraft für Lagerwirtschaft, Autohaus Roßbach, Hamburg - did my job in Service
1995 - 1996 - in Time spent Cooperater and Visitor at Partys - did my job in Service
H&M, Hermes, Kaffee &Tee - did my job in Service
1995 - 1996
Wirtschaftsgymnasium Steilshoop, Hamburg - College
1993 - 1994
Gesamtschule Alter Teichweg, Hamburg - College
1987 - 1992
Realschule Osterbrook, Hamburg (mit Abschluss) College
English, türkish, german, a bit France, a bit Spanish - sayonara - conny she wa, como esta ce?
PC - Kenntnisse: Mathematic's - Physic's - Chemical's - Biology - Geographic's - History - Ethic's - Philosophy - Music - Sport's - Games
Word, Internet, MS-Office
Hamburg, den
Don't forget, I had to be very carefull, to stay the Stunt, which is in Action to be in second's... The Casting´s I had were short...
- Renommiertes Drama College (2008 - 2021) - The Casting's I had were very short...
- Kunstkurs mit Schauspielerei (2021) - The Casting's I had were very short...
- Worked in such many different logistic's - industrial - Institution's 2008-2009
Hauptrollen in Filmen
Comparse...The Casting's I had were very short...
- Filme, mit Rolle (2014)
- (2014) - Came in Retiremant and spent the Time mostely at Home.
- (2015) at Home
- (2015) at Home
- (2021) at Home
- (2021) at Home
Comparse, the casting's I had were very short...
(2021) at Home
(1975) Was born at the 04. March in (Bünde) - Herford - Germany
(1976) Fell the stairways down left the Building and crashed with a Land Rover
(1977) Woke up in a Plane to Turkey to the Cash - Village - Suburb of Surround in - Sivas
(1998) spent my Time in Cash Village
(1979) spent my Time in Cash Village
(1980) spent my Time in Cash Village
(1981) Flow to Hamburg - Germany
(1982) spent my Time in Hamburg
(1983) spent my Time in Hamburg - College Time began
(1984) spent my Time in Hamburg - College
(1985) spent my Time in Hamburg - College
(1986) spent my Time in Hamburg - College
(1987) spent my Time in Hamburg - Comprehansive School
(1988) spent my Time in Hamburg - Compehansive School
(1989) spent my Time in Hamburg - Comprehansive School
(1990) spent my Time in Hamburg - Comprehansive School
(1991) spent my Time in Hamburg - Comprehansive School (two week's in Hartz)
(1992) spent my Time in Hamburg - Comprehansive School
(1993) College
(1994) Hamburg two week's in London - College
(1995) Hamburg - College
(1996) Detective - two Weeks in North Afrika
(1997) Work - Education in Hamburg
(1998) which day's were longer as this whole year's left?
(1999) Truck driver in delivery
(2000) Truck driver in delivery
(2001) Call Center Agent - office
(2002) Call Center Agent - office
(2003) Call Center Agent - office
(2004) Soft Ice seller in delivery
(2005) Call center Agent and Security in Object - office
(2006) Call Center Agent - office
(2007) Driver with a private car and delivering for DHL - TNT
(2008) working at logistic's and industry
(2009) working at logistic's and industry
(2010) Arinet - office
(2011) Arinet - office
(2012) Retire
(2013) Retire
(2014) came in Retiremant
(2015) Elbe - Working Station's - office
(2016) Retire
(2017) Retire
(2018) Retire
(2019) Retire
(2020) Retire
(2021) Retire
(2022) Real estate property skipper - office
(2023) Real estate property skipper - moved out of old home - office
(2024) Retiremant - moved into new Home
(2025) working at a drink - Center